Friday, October 17, 2008


Apart from adorning my vehicle with political statements, and asking everyone I know if they have registered to vote, I took it upon myself last weekend to go one step further and canvass for Barack Obama in Nevada. 

By my lonesome I drove hours in traffic to Las Vegas not knowing with whom I was going to stay or what group I would be apart of for the campaigning itself. The idea of walking door to door or 'canvassing' as it it refer to in the political community, is not something that I would generally find appealing, however the thought of having 4-8 more years of the same bullshit has forced me to do whatever I can to prevent another republican from being elected into office (especially one with a running mate as embarrassing as Sarah Palin). Seeing as Nevada is a swing state (a red state really), this was something I could do to help.

My effort was well rewarded.  I found myself staying with a fantastic couchsurfing host who welcomed me into his home and treated me with kindness.  I also joined a wonderful group of folks from LA to canvass with, which made an experience that was nothing like I expected, much better than it could have been.  

The canvassing itself was extremely intense. Your group is given a packet and you drive out to a neighborhood, equipped with lists and pamphlets, feeling like a Barack's witnesses.
The first day we were sent to 'Naked City', a place as Padraic (another lovely group member) later told us police only went to in groups, and I soon found out was the drug mecca of Vegas. We knocked on over 100 doors, and spoke to many people, most in good spirits regardless of their situation. Struggling single mothers, drug addicts, Vietnam Vets, all living in dire conditions just trying to survive. It was saddening, but it was reality. The next morning seemed better, but the afternoon's canvass proved everyone was having a hard time. Gangs, Pitbulls, Eviction Notices, Crack-heads, Condemned Buildings, the outskirts of Vegas were slums filled with people that go unnoticed by tourists vacationing in the artificial world created on the strip. 

The trip was a wake up call, and unfortunately, even if we wake up, the people in these neighborhoods are not going to gain any resources or reap any benefits for years to come. I drove back home happy that I made the trip, but depressed in thinking about the mess we have gotten ourselves into as a nation, knowing that this lifestyles is more common than not across the US. Things need to change, but will they? All we can do now is vote and wait...... 
Thank you Wayne for being a wonderful host, and Danielle and Martha for making the whole experience as enjoyable as it could be!

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