Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Permaship sails!

I randomly found myself at a Permaculture workshop at the Permaship in Shipka, Bulgaria. Oddly enough the instructor ended up being from the states, which was an unexpected pleasure since I was able to understand on a level superior to what could have been otherwise. Doug Crouch is an amazing instructor and I highly recommend any course you can take from him. He is extremely knowledgeable in the area of permaculture and teaches with practicality and enthusiasm. You can see some of his projects here:


The PermaShip itself was a wonderful space that managed to gather a real lovely group of people for this workshop. It was a period of interaction, engagement, and friendship building and I feel fortunate to have been a part of it.

Permaship is part of the Liveplaces collective of spaces around the country of Bulgaria. It is an innovative project that is putting into effect the changes we need to sustain our future. Unfortunately from Turkey I can not access theses websites to link, so you will have to wait for more…….coming soon

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